Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hate Mail From Hateful Neighbor

We got a hate letter in an envelope by our No on Prop 8 sign in the front that threatened us with fines for violating the CC&R's of our Condo. I found out that these rules do not apply and would actually violate my First Amendment Rights, and anyway, this is some jerk from the neighboirhood and not actually from my property management company. It was not signed and not on any letterhead. Here is the letter I received:



11. Signs: One standard sign may be placed (not outside in the hedge) homeowner's unit. Signs are limited to "For Sale," or "For Rent"; no other signs are permitted (like your politically oriented sign).

Fine Policy: Fines for violating any of the foregoing use limitations ar as follows: $50.00 for the first infraction, $75.00 for the second infraction, and $100 for the third infraction. This is in addition to other applicable sanctions or penalties that may bve imposed as per the CC&R's.

Personally, I don't care about your orientation, I couldn't care less. But keep it to yourself and stop trying to force it down people's throats. Overt people like you are an embarrassment to the gay community, from which I have many friends and clients. The stickers on your car are laughable and an eyesore. Please have your signs removed by 8 a.m. Thursday 10/30/08. We will impose penalties thereafter.

I did remove my sign, but put it back with my letter as below:
October 29, 2008

Dear Neighbor,

Personally, I don’t care about your orientation either, but when there is a proposition that will actually write discrimination into the California Constitution against a select group of people, I can not keep quiet. As an American, you should not stay quiet either. Prop 8 has nothing to do with being gay, schools, or religion; it has everything to do with writing hate into the constitution and removing rights from tax-paying legal citizens. For your information, I am married already so prop 8 will not affect me, as they can not remove my marriage license. Your opinion about how I choose to express myself on my car is not relevant, and frankly, none of your business.

Signage rules do not apply to political signs before an election, even at private condominiums and townhouse communities regardless of any CC&Rs, and have been tried again and again in the Supreme Court and found to violate the First Amendment Rights. You are absolutely allowed to have political signs in front of where you live, whether rented or owned, especially 30 days before an election.

I am disgusted and appalled that you are using the CC&Rs and even threaten to impose fines which you do not have jurisdiction to do as a neighbor, just because you do not agree with my sign or the colors of it, or who knows. Your behavior is reprehensible and appalling, and this and people like you make it so that these laws have to be put in place to protect everyone’s freedom of speech.

It is my right as an American to voice my opinion and educate others about the lies. This is my right as a tax-paying American, just as it is yours. I do not condone disrespect and hate, and I am sorry that those supporting prop 8 think that removing rights, blackmailing supporters, empty threats, violence, stealing, and destroying property is an appropriate way to get their point across; I pray that God will forgive them for their atrocities.

God bless you,
Your American Neighbor

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