Sunday, November 2, 2008

Letter: Embrace tolerance; vote no on Prop. 8

November 01, 2008 10:58:00 PM
I just finished watching “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?” and it struck me how similar it was to the argument against marriage between same-sex couples. Who would of thought in this day and age to prohibit marriage between people of different races just because they weren’t of the same race? I know of more than one religion that didn’t let members of the congregation hold certain responsibilities within the church simply because of the color of their skin.

Marriage is a civil right and no religious argument should or can be used to enforce who can or cannot get married. Look at the atrocities that have happened in the name of religion throughout history. I find it astonishing how many people have died in the name of religion. I mean really! An entire religion was started just because the king wanted to get a divorce which is still going strong today. Babies killed and buried in the church cemetery in the name of religion. Where was the”protect our children” scare tactic then?

Please keep the religious argument away from politics and instead teach tolerance and love for all people. The world really would be a better place. Please don’t write discrimination and hate into the Constitution.

Brent Dayley

Plumas Lake

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