Thursday, November 6, 2008

Take your hate to some other state, you bigots!

Ok, I have been in numerous discussions today with Prop 8 supporters and opponents and there is one thing that astounds me about the supporters...they actually thought that the loser of Prop 8 wouldn't take it to court. Seriously, if Yes would have lost there would have been court battles on their side as well. You would have to be completely ignorant to have not realized that this was going to matter who lost.

So, what has happened to me today? Well, Jerry Brown confirmed that those who were married between June and November 4th, WILL keep their marriage status and that he will fight it in court if anyone tries to take that away. The writers of Prop 8 were stupid, they didn't write it as being retroactive but are now saying that was their intent. Come on morons, this isn't the first time you haven't done things the right way legally. How hard would it have been to say, this would take affect retroactively? Incompetence...and trying to claim that was your intent but not saying it in the Prop means jack shit. My marriage is LEGAL and your stupid religious definiton isn't going to affect me.

Last night and today, there were demonstrations all across the state. Most notably, the demonstration last night in West Hollywood where nearly 2500 people turned out. And, today where the demonstration went to the Mormon Temple in Westwood and the Federal building. Unfortunately, some idiot jumped out of his pick-up truck and decked a gay NO on Prop 8 demonstrator. What a moron...didn't he realize that he just committed a hate crime? Hate crimes have stricter laws agaisnt them than just a normal assault & battery, so that freak is going to be in BIG trouble...I hope it was worth it.

So, I am confident that Prop 8 will be found unconstitutional. Yet, I keep hearing THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE argument. Unfortunately, for them, the purpose of the constitution is to protect minorities from discrimination imposed by a majority and that is exactly what happened with Prop 8. Gay marriage is here and here to stay, we just have to wait for the licenses to be issued again under court instruction and that shouldn't take long.

However, as I said before in one of my previous posts, I have lost my faith in Christians and for the 52.5% of Californians who voted Yes. I will TOLERATE them, eventhough they didn't give gay people the same respect. I wish we had the laws in place like Florida where a Prop of this magnitude requires a minimum of a 60% vote. I understand where that makes sense because for the most part the population is pretty much equally split and they want to make sure a majority is more than a few percentage points.

The other thing I love is that we have both a domestic partnership and a marriage. It is completely legal to have both and there aren't many people who have them. We weren't required to dissolve the domestic partnership because as long as you were getting married to the same person, both are valid. Yes, we made history and no matter what, I will have those two pieces of paper to prove that I am EQUAL to anyone who wants to tell me otherwise. Eventhough, I was told that I should use my marriage certificate as toilet paper, I just responded that you might as well use the California Constitution because you already proved that it is worthless by your unconstitutional Proposition. How rude to tell someone to use their marriage license as toilet paper...sorry, I got married when it was legal and you can't take it away because your stupid Proposition writers don't know how to write the word RETROACTIVE. :P

Ok, in all seriousness and deviating from my selfish rant, we as a people should feel ashamed that our fellow citizens have legalized discrimination. In no time in history has a group of people been given rights to then have them taken away by amending a constitution to legalize discrimination. Although I do not believe in violence or retaliation, I do urge you to do what you want to make your voice be heard that this just isn't right. Protest, file a court case, report the LDS church (or any church you are aware of that performed Yes on Prop 8 activities) for violating the mandate of seperation of church and state to then revoke their tax exempt status, write/email your friends, talk to your neighbors, put signs in your windows, stickers on your car, wear Prop 8 clothing or blog about it. What has been done in this vote is unlike any other, all of the churches that specifically called out Prop 8 in any of their rallies for traditional marriage are in violation of the seperation of church and state mandate and the IRS will remove their tax exempt status. All these fears that the churches had about losing their tax exempts status because they didn't want to perform gay marriages was ridiculous but everything they did for Prop 8 put that very status in jeopardy. They really don't seem to think and will now achieve everything they feared and gay marriage had nothing to do with it. Completely laughable.

Also, something I never understood during the campaign, this fear that people have of children learning about gay marriage. Here is your lesson plan...marriage is a commitment made by two adults to love and care for each other, to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. WOW...that is scary isn't it? What is completely laughable is that the specific law specifies that if a school adopts the voluntary health/sex education they are "required to teach respect for marriage and COMMITTED relationships." So guess what, you aren't protecting your children from anything because domestic partnerships for gay people have been around for years. Don't you think domestic partnerships are COMMITTED relationships? Fine, right now it isn't called marriage, but even calling it domestic partnerships will result in the same education as it would if it were called marriage.

Prop 8 supporters have, temporarily, legalized discrimination and discrimination by any other name is HATE. I don't care what the supporters say, they are PRO HATE. Their claims that they aren't are just insulting, as the only excuse for passing this Proposition is to exert that hate. The only reason to make a group of society second class citizens is because you hate them and maybe for some, fear them because they are closeted themselves. Don't worry, your hate has been heard loud and clear. Congratulations for making HATE your Family Value...what an amazing accomplishment for you, you should be so proud and honored to be with those elites, like Hitler, Pol Pot, the KKK, Saddam Hussein, etc. Wow, aren't you lucky...those are some pretty powerful people to be in standing with. Luckily for me, I have some pretty elite people that I stand with, Harvey Milk, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez, Che Guevarra, Susan B. Anthony, etc. NOW..I am honored!

Take your hate to some other state, you bigots!

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