Monday, November 3, 2008

Proposition 8 is a waste of money

Updated: Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:37 AM PDT

I am so tired of the rhetoric regarding Proposition 8 I could just spit.

The whole thing is an incredible waste of no less than 50 million dollars. Do we not have better things we could be doing with that kind of money in these times of economic turmoil? Donating it to a school would be, oh, about a million times more sensible.

I have one question for all of those "for" Prop 8: Could any one of you explain to me exactly how allowing two people of the same sex to marry takes away from the quality of your personal lives? This is the United States of America, built on the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness in any way we choose, so long as it doesn't infringe on anyone else's personal rights. How do these marriages infringe on your rights?

I personally am pretty darn tired of the Religious Right of this country not being content to live their own lives, and insisting on attempting to cram legislation down our collective throats with said legislation dictating that the rest of us conform to their beliefs.

Long live the real America, land of the truly free.

Bruce Riley

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