Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes on Prop 8 signs disgust me...especially the newer signs

So, why am I seeing signs that say Yes on Prop 8 = Religious Freedom, Yes on Prop 8 = Less Government & Yes on Prop 8 = Freedom of Speech?

Prop 8 isn't about any of those things, it is about rewriting the California Constitution to legalize discrimination. You already have your religious freedom, remember the US Constitution specifically gives you the freedom of religion. And, yes on prop 8 does not equal less government. How could something that requires more government interference equal less government? Prop 8 has nothing to do with freedom of speech, that is something again protected by the US Constitution. All of these signs, and commericals, from Yes on Prop 8 are not only misleading, but they are lies and they are wrong.

Prop 8 has nothing to do with churches, religion, schools or children. If anything, the backers of Prop 8 (predominantly Mormon) are trying to make a government sanctioned, civil marriage about religion, requiring government interference and eliminating rights. It is disgusting, we should not be voting on civil rights, we should not be voting to decide if a part of our population is equal. We should all be equal and if you want to quote religion, how come I am not hearing things like love thy neighbor, that we are all created in God's image (God created homosexuals too), that we should not judge one another and we should treat others the way we want to be treated? What the Yes campaign is doing is in conflict with these basic Christian, if not all religions, principles. They are quoting the Old Testament, which isn't even their book, it is The Hebrew Bible and the Christians stole it to make it their own. Jesus was against everything that the Old Testament stood for and it was prophesized that he would rewrite it. So, if Jesus was against what it stood for then and it was HIS religion's book (remember, Jesus was jewish), then why on earth would he want anyone to be for it or practice it today? Religion is never a good argument for making people unequal, for disciminating against your fellow human beings.

No matter your orientation, whether you ever want to get married, Prop 8 is just fundamentally wrong. I am still in shock and awe that the Yes campaign had an official spokesperson compare the fight for gay marriage to that of Hitler and rise of Nazi Germany. They keep saying that this isn't about hate, bigotry or discrimination, but their own official spokesperson made it clear that this is their very agenda.

How will gay people being allowed to marry hurt anyone? If anything it will strenghthen marriage by allowing more people to live successful married lives, free of discimination...heck, it will probably even lower the divorce rate that heterosexuals have raised to 50%. Gay marriage has been legal in Mass. for 4 years and they haven't fallen into the apocalypse and it has been legal in Calif. for 4 months and still nothing has happened. Other countries: Canada, Spain, Holland, Belguim and South Africa have had gay marriage legal for YEARS and nothing has happened.

So, why, tell me why, give me one good reason why gay marriage shouldn't be legal? However, do not base it on religion or any of the lies from the Yes campaign...this is about a government sanctioned marriage, not one accepted by your church or God, but by the government where there is supposed to be a seperation of church and state and where seperate is not equal.

It is never right to treat a part of the population as a second class, it is never right to be forced to vote on fundamental civil rights and it is never right to make discimination law. I implore you, DO THE RIGHT THING, continue to make everyone equal. You don't need to be for gay marriage to be against Prop 8, you can think that gay marriage is as wrong as you want, but you should be against Prop 8 for the basic reason that we should never make discirmination law. The first two words on the ballot read...Eliminate Right...why would anyone want to live in a society that not only believes that is okay but legally establishes it as okay? If this passes, who will be next?

Vote NO on Prop 8...for your family, for your children, for your friends and for society...don't make us live in a discriminatory state.

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