Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prop 8 Fight Back- Report LDS Church to IRS for Tax Evasion, Here's How!

We have been getting a lot of letters from friends and family saying how they can't understand how Prop 8 passed. We will not stop fighting and what the Mormon and many other churches did was wrong and completely against the law. Please forward to all of your friends that care about America's freedom and you don't have to live in California! There is also a petition to the governor which you can sign here: Thank you everyone for your prayers and support! God Bless! Suzette & Nicole

If it upsets you that a church can meddle with another state's political statutes, here's something simple you can do. To report the LDS Church to the IRS, simply take 5 minutes to print
these articles out and any others you can find:

Then print, sign, and send the attached form (already completed, after the jump) or download a blank and fill it out yourself at

List the taxpayer as:

Thomas S. Monson, et al
50 East North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

List his occupation as President and the business as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Check the boxes for False Exemption and Public/Political Corruption.

Then in the Comments section demand that the LDS Church be fined and their tax-exempt status revoked for repeated and blatant violations of the IRS's separate of church and state rules, and for conspiring to interfere with a state's political process.

Check Yes under "Are books/records available?" and write in "campaign finance records."

You don't have to provide any of your own personal info. Mail the form and the printed articles to:

Internal Revenue Service
Fresno, CA 93888


  1. Nice! Thanks for the info!

  2. I don't see an already completed one after the jump. do you have it?
